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Grayson ML, Jarvie LJ, Martin R, Johnson PD, Jodoin ME, McMullan C, et al. Significant reductions in methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia and clinical isolates associated with a multisite, hand hygiene culture-change program and subsequent successful statewide roll-out. Med J Aust. 2008 Jun 2;188(11):633-40.
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70% of all infections
are transmitted by a touch

Intelligence in Hand Hygiene Electronic Compliance
compliance of hand hygiene in moments 1, 4 e 5 per WHO directives
Identification of potential vectors in cases of infection and epidemic
Big Data analytics allow identification of infection patterns and trends
Three steps to implement e-Management of HAIs
Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) cost lives! They occur in 5% to 10% of all hospitalizations in the developed world1, 25% to 33% of those cases in the Intensive Care Unit2.
With the increase of multi antibiotic resistant organisms (MROs), additional actions targeting infectious events were adopted. The first was to reduce the access to latest generation antibiotics, to avoid the increase in development of MROs3. The second action supported by the World Health Organization (WHO), was to intensify hand hygiene using alcohol-based hand rub4, a well-known method to control the spread of MROs5.
Monitoring the compliance of hand hygiene is routinely made by a team of direct observers (DOs) that cannot be available 24/7. Away from the eyes of the DOs, the compliance of hand hygiene decreases leading to infection recurrence. So, the DO's actions are temporarily effective in reducing infections but are not efficient in sustaining the achieved results, leading to recurrent episodes. Literature shows a good correlation between trained DOs and hand hygiene compliance monitoring6.

Facing this high infectious emergency, Identhis developed the ClearHands™ patented solution for continuous monitoring of hand hygiene compliance (HHC).
The solution delivers continuous monitoring of individual health workers circulating within the heath facility and is based on interactive appliances with alcohol-based hand rub dispensers and low-cost RAIN RFID badges.
ClearHands™ adopts elements of human cognitive behavior to turn Hand Hygiene into a healthy competition among users, turning its use, into an intuitive and pleasant experience. By reaching high levels of compliance, each user accumulates points. The winners, with higher compliance rates, are recognized as the leading examples to be followed by everyone.
The ClearHands™ appliance is a versatile solution with additional uses including track and monitoring of assets

Global Compliance

Compliance by user

Compliance by place

Global Compliance

ClearHands badge

The “SC” version, specifically designed for Surgical areas, tracks the time used in hand washing before surgeries, monitoring adequate hand hygiene in a critical area of the medical facility. All occurs automatically without disruption to the normal workflow. The system can also track infection vectors to educate and treat any medical condition favoring MRO dissemination.
Patients with previous contact with identified vectors are included in an active monitoring program before the infectious event occurs.
ClearHands™ converts all the information regarding monitored items, events or persons, into actionable data for the healthcare facility, acting as a key solution in the prevention of nosocomial infections and as the tool supporting healthcare e-management.
Download the ClearHands brochure in PDF

ClearHands SC