Identhis is a Healthcare Technology company that was born out of the need to reach a new standard of "e-management" in healthcare.
Through the electronic identification of items and the automatic collection of their data, we provide Intelligence Solutions for the Healthcare Industry.
Data collected via a human interface is riddled with errors and bias. Additionally, healthcare certifying organizations (like the Joint Commission for example), track negative events in the process of healthcare provision that even the best human effort can't avoid. Such events, also known as, "Never Events" generate large financial, human and social costs. Because of the need to create solution to avoid these negative events and increase efficiency in healthcare provision management, Identhis was founded.
An engineer and a physician joined forces to create healthcare centric solutions that automate and continuously monitor critical processes in healthcare delivery. All the solutions conceived have to be compatible with the healthcare facility environment and attend the medical commandment of "primo non nocere" .
Through automated item and process identification and tracking we provide Healthcare Intelligence Solutions.